Thursday, August 24, 2006

week in the lakes

This pic was the culmination of an awesome week in the lakes, teaching kids a bit about sailing. I was with sam, (middle of pic with long hair) who i've sailed with for 5 years, and the rest were just some random ppl, mainly from in-bred preston lol. In the day we got a group of cubs/scouts/ uni students (up to 4 in a boat) and took them out in wayfarers. They were either scared shitless-windy days, or resorted to jumping out of the boats, when the ferry was scarily close, and swimming over to any availible boat- usually mine, so i ended up with around 9 crazy little munchkins to get rid of!
The evenings were 'free time', so we took full advantage of this to take out the sport 16 +trapeze & spinaker. One evening me and sam managed a handstand in the trapeze, but the photos didn't turn out very well.
And it never rained! It was a good feeling to think that the rest of my mates were still trawling through history. A week well spent, and i will definately be doing it nxt year.


Blogger pickles said...

i love the way you have your arm round onebird and abnother is touching your leg nice one phil you rock!

8:54 AM  
Blogger pickles said...

i love the way you have your arm round onebird and abnother is touching your leg nice one phil you rock!

8:54 AM  

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